Camping Recipes from Razzle Dazzle Recipes
 Biscuit on a Stick Recipe


Biscuit on a Stick

1 can biscuits
squeeze butter

Roll out a biscuit with your hands so that it becomes elongated and about one inch thick at the center. Wrap it tightly around the end of your stick and pinching it as you go to insure that it stays on the stick while cooking. When done wrapping, the biscuit should take up about six inches of the stick. Heat over the campfire until golden brown. Pull it off the stick, pour butter down the hole left by the stick, and enjoy.

Variation: Pour butter around the outside of the biscuit and sprinkle sugar on it, then pour your favorite jelly inside. It is very messy, but very good.
Servings: 2 - 5

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