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Legal Sea Foods A New England Clambake


All amounts in these recipes are based on per person servings.

The best method for preparing the lobster for these recipes is to freeze them for 10 minutes prior to cooking.

One 1 lb. Lobster
2/4 to 1 lb. Clams
4 oz. Linguica sausage
4 oz. Chicken sausage
1 corn on the cob
2 or 3 medium bliss potatoes
1 bag rockweed
1 large onion

You'll also need
Shovel, lots of wood or charcoal, dry beach rocks, cheesecloth, aluminum foil, and a canvas tarp.

Cooking on the beach
Dig the hole (suggested size for 12 people is 4 X 4 X 3) and fill with rocks
Heat the hole with charcoal or logs for 1 to 1.5 hours
CAREFULLY remove the coals exposing the hot rocks.
QUICKLY place the ingredients on top of the rocks in the following order:
10 inch layer of rockweed
lobsters lying back to back
2 inch layer of rockweed
bliss potatoes
steamer clams wrapped in cheese cloth
sausage wrapped in foil
2 inch layer of rockweed
corn on the cob
1 inch layer of rockweed and the onion

Cover with tarp and allow to cook for 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

1 lb. Lobster
1 corn on the cob, husk and silk removed
juice of 1/2 lemon
3/4- 1lb. Steamer clams

Place rockweed in bottom of microwavable cooking bag.
Place corn on the cob and lobster on top of rockweed.
Add lemon.
Close bag and cook for 8 minutes on high.
Place steamer clams in another cooking bag on a plate and cook for 3 minutes on high.
Remove clams from microwave and serve with lobster and corn.

One 1 lb. Lobster
2/4 to 1 lb. Clams
1 corn on the cob
2 or 3 medium bliss potatoes
Juice of 1/2 lemon

Remove silk from fresh corn leaving husk and soak for 15 minutes.
Cut bliss potatoes in half and coat with a vinaigrette or Italian dressing.
Grill sausage, potatoes, and corn for 10 minutes.
Fold five feet of heavy duty aluminum foil in half and place on table.
Place in inch layer of rockweed big enough to protect the foil from the lobster in the center of the foil.
Place grilled corn/sausage/potato on the foil.
Add steamers tucking some in the husk of the corn.
Add lobster and the juice of 1/2 lemon.
Wrap in foil leaving a little air pocket at the top.
Cook on hot grill for 25 minutes.

Serve with chilled pasta salad and brownies for dessert.

From Legal Sea Foods' Roger Berkowitz.

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