Rumpot Recipe
Miscellaneous Gift Recipes
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It is usual to begin with the first fruit of the season, strawberries. Wash and dry these thoroughly, remove all the green stems, put them into a dish, cover them with an equal weight of sugar and then allow them to stand for an hour. Place the fruit and sugar mixture into the Rumpot, and cover it to a depth of half an inch with rum or your other chosen spirit or liqueur. Make sure that the spirit is at least 40% ABV, as it is the alcohol that preserves the fruit. White refined granulated sugar is most commonly used, but castor sugar will dissolve more easily.

It is important that the fruit remains submerged at all times, and this can be done by placing a plate or saucer on top of the fruits in the Rumpot. Cover the top of the pot with cling film to prevent evaporation, and store in a cool place. When the next fruit is available, carry out the same procedure, except that from now on it is only necessary to use half as much sugar by weight as fruit. Use ripe, dry but firm fruit and never any that is overripe. Build the fruit up in layers, and do not stir as this will break up the fruit. Each time fruit is added it may be necessary to add more rum.

Continue to add fruits throughout the summer until your Rumpot is full. Suitable fruits to use include apricots, cherries, grapes, peaches, plums, strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants and loganberries.

Pineapple, with the rind and centre core removed, is best cubed and is usually the last fruit added.

It will be ready after 4-6 weeks, but at it's best after 2-3 months, which should be around Christmas.

I find it best to avoid watery fruits such as Melon, as they dilute the alcohol. Rhubarb can make the fruits bitter, as can blackberries, which can also discolor the rest of the fruits and spoil their appearance. The liquid from the Rumpot can be treated as a liqueur. The Rumpot fruit is delicious either poured over ice-cream or with a rich dark chocolate cake!


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