"Recipes for Starting Your New Year"

Gravlax of Salmon Recipe

3 lb. side of skin-on salmon fillet
2 T. juniper berries
3 T. sea salt
3/4 C. granulated sugar
1/4 C. brown sugar
1 C. minced dill
1/2 C. minced parsley
3 T. minced shallots
1/4 C. gin
2 T. pickling spice mix
2 loaves sliced pumpernickel bread
Melted butter

Dill sprigs, capers or lemon slices, if desired

Place the salmon, skin-side down, in a glass or ceramic (non-reactive) pan with sides no less than 2 inches high.

Gently crush the juniper berries with a spoon in a work bowl. Combine with the salt, sugar, brown sugar, dill, parsley, shallots, gin and pickling spices.

Spread the spice mixture evenly over the top (fleshy side) of the fish.

Wrap the pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 48 hours.

Remove salmon from the pan, wipe off the spice "cure" with a damp cloth, taking care not to rub too aggressively.

Wrap fish in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 to 6 hours.

Cut the bread slices into attractive rounds using a pastry or cookie cutter.

Brush some melted butter on the bread circles and broil for 1 or 2 minutes to toast them, flipping slices midway through.

When bread crisps are cooled, cut salmon away from the skin and then slice the fish very thinly at a gentle angle, and place slices on a platter.

Garnish fish with tiny dill sprigs, capers, half-moon lemon slices or as desired. You also can serve the salmon with bowls of cr�me fra�che or mustard-dill sauce and lemon wedges if you like.

Serves 16.


Razzle Dazzle Recipes
 New Year's  Recipes