Cooking For A Crowd - Large Sized Vegetable Recipes
 German Sauerkraut Recipe
Recipes for Quantity Cooking


German Sauerkraut

2 1/4 gal. (18 lb 9 oz) sauerkraut, canned, undrained
3 cups (1 lb) bacon, raw, chopped
2 1/4 qt. (3 lb) onions, dry chopped
1 qt. (1 lb or 3-4 apples) apples, fresh, pared, chopped
3 tbsp. (1 oz) caraway seed, whole
1 cup (6 oz) sugar, brown

Combine sauerkraut, bacon, onions, apples, caraway seed, and brown sugar; cook 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.

NOTE: 1. 3 lb 5 oz dry onions AP. will yield 3 lb chopped onions.
2. 1 lb 4 oz fresh apples will yield 1 lb. pared, chopped apples.

YIELD: 100 Portions

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