Cooking For A Crowd - Large Sized Vegetable Recipes
 Refried Beans Recipe
Recipes for Quantity Cooking


Refried Beans

20 lbs. 10 oz (22-No. 300 can) pinto beans, canned
3/4 cup (4 oz.) chili powder
1 tbsp. garlic, dehydrated
2 qt. (2 lb) cheese, shredded
3 cups (1 lb.) onions, dry, minced
2 tbsp. hot sauce
2 1/2 bean stock
1 qt. (1 lb.) cheese, shredded

Drain beans; reserve stock. Add chili powder and garlic. Place beans in mixer bowl; beat at low speed until mashed. Add 2 qt cheese, onions, hot sauce, and 1 1/2 qt bean stock.

Whip on medium speed, adding more bean stock to obtain consistency of mashed potatoes. Spread an equal quantity of bean mixture in greased pans; bake 30 minutes.

Sprinkle equal amounts of 1 qt cheese over top and serve.

YIELD: 100 Portions

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