Salt Dough
Ornaments Recipe and Applesauce Ornament Recipe
Salt Dough
2 C. flour
1 C. salt
1 C. water
Mix salt and flour. Add in half the water, then gradually add the remaining
water. Knead until the dough is smooth, this can take up to 10 minutes.
For flat dough ornaments roll out the dough on baking paper. You can also be
creative and make odd shapes and wreaths (takes longer to bake.) Use cookie
cutters, cut-out templates, or just use your hands.
Dust dough with flour and begin to add details to the ornaments with a
toothpick, popsicle stick, and knife.
Don't forget to use a straw to make a hole so you can hang the ornament.
Baking: Time varies based on thickness of ornament
Temperature: 325�F.
Time: 1 1/2 hours - or until dry
Let cool before you begin. Paint with acrylic paints.
Glue on beads, buttons, or any fun accessory. Coat with acrylic varnish when
everything is dry.
Salt Dough
Ornament Recipe 2
3 C. flour
1 C. salt
1 C. cinnamon
1 C. nutmeg
1- 2 1/2 C. of warm water
Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.
Add in the water a little at a time, keep adding water and mixing well until the
dough is formed. Roll the dough to desired thickness and begin cutting out
shapes with a cookie cutter.
Place ornaments on an ungreased baking sheet and use a straw to make holes for
hanging the ornaments.
Bake for 1 1/2 hours at 225� F. Place on a wire rack and return to the over for
another 1 1/2 hours to ensure the ornaments are completely dry on the bottom.
Let sit and cool, then decorate.

Cinnamon Dough
Ornament Recipe
2 C. flour
1 C. salt
5 t. cinnamon
3/4 to 1 C. water
Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Stir in water gradually to make dough. (Tip:
If it sticks to your hands - add more flour, If it crumbles - add water) Knead
for 5-10 minutes until smooth. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out dough to
desired thickness can range from 1/4 - 3/4 inch thick.
Note: The thicker the longer it will take to bake.
Use cookie cutters to create teddy bears, gingerbread people, and holiday
shapes. Use a straw to make a hole so you can hang the ornament.
Baking: - Check After 45 minutes - 1 hour
Temperature: 325�F.
Time: 1 1/2 hours - varies based on thickness, bake until dry.
Let cool before you begin to decorate. Paint with acrylic paints. Glue on fun
eyes, buttons, ribbon, or any fun accessory. Coat with acrylic varnish when
everything is dry, this is optional.
Applesauce Ornaments
3 C. applesauce
8 oz. Cassia cinnamon powder, approximately
Vegetable cooking spray
24-48 pieces satin ribbon
Line a strainer with cheesecloth or paper towel. Place strainer in large bowl.
Pour applesauce into strainer, let drain for 8 hours.
Gradually add the cinnamon to the applesauce until the dough is pliable and
resembles pie dough. Place a quarter of the dough on a sheet of plastic wrap and
place another sheet over the top. Using a rolling pin, flatten the dough to 1/4
inch thick. Cut out shapes using cookie cutters. Slide a spatula under the cut
ornament dough and place on a cookie sheet sprayed with vegetable cooking spray.
Use a toothpick to poke a hole to hang the ornament; make it bigger than you
think because it shrinks during baking. Place in 175� F. oven for 6 hours or
until firm and dry.
Thread ribbons through hole and hang from tree boughs or attach to gifts.
Makes 24 to 48
Cinnamon Dough Ornament Recipe
1 1/2 C. ground cinnamon
1 C. applesauce
1/4 C. white school glue - like Elmer's
1. Mix cinnamon, applesauce, and glue together in a bowl
2. Mixture should have a consistency of cookie dough
Tip: If it seems hard - add a little water
3. Knead dough for 5-10 minutes, place in bowl, cover with plastic wrap so it
doesn't dry out, and let sit for 30-45 minutes
4. Knead dough again until smooth
5. Roll out dough between waxed paper until thickness is 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Use cookie cutters to create teddy bears, gingerbread people, gingerbread house
panels, and holiday shapes. Use a straw to make a hole so you can hang the
Place ornaments on wax paper for drying. Drying will take 3-5 days, turn
ornaments over a few times a day in order for them to day flat and prevent
curling of the edges. Ornaments will shrink a little while drying.

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