Creme Brulee French Toast
1 stick unsalted butter
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 Tablespoons corn syrup
1 loaf French bread
12 eggs
3 cups half & half
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons Grand Marnier liqueur
1/2 teaspoon salt
In a small heavy saucepan or skillet, melt butter with brown sugar and corn
syrup over moderate heat, stirring and cooking until smooth and glossy. Pour
into a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish.
Cut bread into 1-inch slices. For the first layer, arrange about ten bread
slices on top of the sugar mixture, squeezing them slightly to fit. (I say
"about" because it depends on the size of the loaf.)
In a mixing bowl, whisk together eggs, half & half, vanilla, Grand Marnier, and
salt until combined well. Slowly, pour about half of the mixture over the first
layer of bread slices. Place the final layer of bread slices over the first,
matching the slices, sandwich style. Slowly, pour the remaining egg mixture over
the top layer of bread, letting mixture soak into the entire surface of each
slice of bread. Chill, covered, at least 8 hours and up to one day.
Remove bread mixture from refrigerator about 1 hour before baking. Preheat oven
to 350 degrees. Bake uncovered in the middle of the oven until it is puffed and
the edges are golden, about 45 minutes. Serve immediately. Be sure to serve both
layers, as the yummy part is on the bottom of the pan.
Serves: 6. Clauser's Bed and Breakfast