Soft Maple Creams Recipe
Candy Recipes, Truffle Recipes and Fudge Recipes
Easy and Delicious Gifts From Your Kitchen


Soft Maple Creams

3 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup butter
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup marshmallow creme
1 teaspoon maple flavor
1 cup fine chopped pecans
1 cup chocolate chips melted with 1 tbl. Crisco

Cook brown sugar, water, and butter to 215�F on a candy thermometer. Add heavy cream slowly so boiling does not stop. Cook to 238�F on the candy thermometer.

Pour on slab and let candy cool to warm lukewarm. (This fondant should be worked at a slightly warmer temperature than most fondants.) Work with spatula until cloudy and heavy.

Add marshmallow creme and maple flavor.

Continue to work until almost set up and then add nuts. Let rest until it is easy to handle, then form into 1-inch balls and dip in melted chocolate.

Makes about 75.


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