Irish Coffee
Plenty of hot coffee
1/2 pint whipping cream
Powdered sugar
Pinch of cinnamon
1 vanilla bean pod
Irish whiskey
Clementine zest
Grated nutmeg
Brew the coffee. Meanwhile, lightly whip the cream with sugar to taste,
the cinnamon and seeds from the vanilla pod. (Save pod for another use
or simply embed it in granulated sugar to make scented vanilla sugar.)
Lace the brewed coffee with good whiskey, then pour into Irish coffee
glasses, if available. Use clear-glass mugs as a substitute. Touch the
base of a dessert spoon into the coffee and carefully pour the flavored
cream over the back of the spoon so that it floats on top of the coffee.
Zest a clementine or orange on top and sprinkle with a tiny bit of
grated nutmeg.
Yield: 4 servings |